Since the election of out countries frist African American President we have seen a milestone of events good and bad. Barack Obama has given the American public new hope and the possibilty to dream again. In the mist of all this joy there are some people who doesn't wish us (people of like minds) well. Death threats, terroist attacks, ecomomic recession, assissination threats, car jackings, suicide notes, and robberies are things that linger in hte not so distant future for the common man or women along with our new found president. In these tuberlant times the catch should be "You Better Buy A Gun" protect yourself,your family, and your property because you work to hard not too. Just the other day a former Atlanta Falcon Football player was car jacked in the drive way of a fast food restaurant. Another example, of why "You Better Buy A Gun" is teenagers were followed home after a party by other teens who started some trouble. Shots were fired and three teens were killed for no reason at all. Since the election gun sales have soared 85% according to Fox 5 News. Pawn shops are seeing an increase in sales due to the election of the democratic party and the first black president. Some gun owners are concerned that our new president may not favor the constitional amendment right to bear arms. So the catch phrase for the next decade should be "You Better Buy A Gun" so protect your self, your family, and your property and buy yourself a _______________ !!!!!!!!
peace coolwater
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