Many of you have probably heard about the beef between Mc Hammer and Jay Z, or the beef between Little Kim and Nicki Minaji. What most people have to understand is that when a person has an album coming out and a artist needs publicity then you will hear about beef or drama to lure you into buying their album. For example, Mc Hammer has not put out work in years, but he has an album coming out. He knows he can't really out rap Jay Z but he needs Jayz brand inorder to get some publicity to help with his album sales. Nicki Minaj has an album coming out and has chose to go in on Lil' Kim. Many people don't understand the propaganda machine. Many artist need drama or some form of bullshit to meet the labels expectation on album sales.
The book called the "Art of War" by a great chines warrior layed out details on how to attack and enemy in time of war. Its all strategy many artist have probably talked to each other on the phone before the beef even begin inorder to plan out how this situation would play out. Do you remember 50cent and Kayne had a beef about who would sale the most albums. In the end these two slaves made alot of money for the record companies that they worked for. So next time you hear about the beef between two artist just know that it is probably planned out.
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