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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Has Louis Farrakhan Sold Us Out

Current Nation of Islam leader Louis FarrakhanImage via Wikipedia
It has been alot of talk about Minister Louis X Leader of the Nation of Islam is doing business with L. Ron Hubbard the leader of Scientology. Elijah Mohammad never intended for the Nation of Islam to be in bed with the European Race, according to all the critiques of the Nation of Islam.

Scientology is said by many to be a cult for the rich and famous. Many of your favorite celebrities like Will Smith,Tom Cruise, and Brittany Spears are a part of the Scientology religion that was set up by L. Ron Hubbard. A lot of outsiders contest that Minister Louis Farrakhan is in bed with the Jews. In all that the minister teaches and has taught thought his career he has never preach integration among White America. Is the Nation of Islam really controlled by outside forces that can call on the Minister to implement the global agenda plan or New World Order?

Louis Farrakhan Espousing Dianetics and Scientology? The World's ...

22, 2010 sermon, Louis Farrakhan announced a study program on the mind and on “management technology” for Nation of Islam members and ministers. Dianetics and Scientology are not mentioned, but the description of the human mind in this ...

Nation of Islam joins forces with the Church of Scientology ...

Also in recent weeks, Nation of Islam members have been seen by protesters at larger Scientology Orgs (Organizations) around the US. In one case, a member of the Nation of Islam confronted and assaulted a protester outside the ...

Scientology & The Nation Of Islam

This video unveils the dark mask of two religions. L. Ron Hubbard, Louis Farrakhan, Nation Of Islam, Scientology,IFO,Aliens

Youtube Video

Nation of Islam finally see's cracks in Scientology: NOT HAPPY!

In their own words.....

Recently the head of the NOI came out not only suggesting, but insisting ALL of his organization join what sounds like C of $. If I'm wrong, I'm happy to be so...but I'd rather warn the people, then let them be recruited into Scientology, without rea...

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lgc65 said...

no, min. farrakhan hasn't sold "us" out, "us" has pretty much sold our ownselves out. and he's not doing business with l. ron hubbard because hubbard has been dead since 1986.

he will deal with his critics - who for some reason are so concerned about why he is using aspects of dianetics - in his upcoming saviours day address in february. the webcast of that address should be freely available at for any who want to hear directly from him as to why he is doing what he is doing.

also, it doesn't appear that you are very familiar with what elijah muhammad taught. he taught/advocated separation but he also said "study the white man for he is successful and does not make excuses for his failures."

he also used quotes from, and recommended reading dale carnegie's book "how to make friends and influence people." you know carnegie was a white man, right? did elijah muhammad sell "us" out by using some of the information that carnegie used? did he sell "us" out by telling "us" to study the white man, the same white man he referred to as "the devil"?

hope you tune in to the minister's saviours day address.

lgc65 said...

also, it's incorrect that the minister demanded NOI members to join the scientology church. it is a requirement that any who want to serve as ministers or other official posts must "undergo the course of study" that he has developed using aspects of dianetics but he never said that all members - or any - have to join that church.

so, you can lay that falsehood to rest and hopefully not spread it any further than you already have.

Anonymous said...

Before you condemn Farrakhan's alliance with Scientology, you should research it and draw your own conclusions. Scientology programs will be teaching your child about drugs, using their Narconon front group program.

They will be teaching your children using Hubbard's "Study Tech."

They are going to be covertly indoctrinating your children into thinking like a Scientologist.

Now, there are a few things you should know about Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard.

Google proves useful in exposing the hidden racism written into Scientology:
Google "L. Ron Hubbard, racism"
Google "Scientology slavery"
Google "Scientology child labor"

Make up your own. It's much worse than you can imagine.

Cool Water said...


Your point is very well taken. Lets see what happens for this hopefully it turns out for the best the Minister has been giving us the game for so long that I don't know what the end result will be.